Occupational Health Screening
Our dedicated team of Occupational Health professionals can provide health screening services to our corporate clients to ensure that the workforce is being suitably monitored at regular intervals. We are also able to provide ad-hoc services to complement our health screening services. Along with our health screening questionnaires for certain roles, we can keep a watchful eye on the health and wellbeing of your workforce for you.
Whether requested as standalone assessments or as part of a screening program, our range of services can be used for pre-employment assessments, health surveillance or "for cause".
Our range of occupation health services is expansive and of the highest quality. We believe that such screening should be more available to SMEs as well as larger corporations. Therefore we aim to keep our prices as competitive as possible without sacrificing our quality and reputation.
Respiratory Health Check
By blowing into a machine we can get a baseline reading of your lung function. At regular intervals we repeat the test and show any changes or trends that are occurring.
Anyone that is working within the COSHH regulations should be checked regularly and screening results can be used to improve procedures for such work, as well as highlighting any health concerns with individuals.
Audiometry Health Check
Wearing a set of headphones attached to a diagnostic machine, you will hear a series of beeps and identify when they are audible. This is another test that gives baseline results to watch for any change in the results.
Working within a noisy environment can affect your hearing considerably. Regular screening will allow changes to be identified and control measures implemented.
Basic Health Checks​​
A simple check of blood pressure using an expanding cuff around your arm and a small finger prick test to check the blood sugar levels in your body. We can also take weight, height and BMI.
As part of a larger test programme we can see trends within individuals or workforces as a collective.
By providing a urine sample in a small cup we are able to test for any protein or glucose, these can highlight diabetes or infections.
We can also provide testing for more other conditions as required.
Skin Health Check
An examination to see if there is any damage being caused to the skin due to work. Looking at what substances are used in the workplace will give an indication of the potential complaints to look for.
Drug and Alcohol Screening
Using 3 varieties of testing we can check for "On the spot" evidential drug use in urine, chain of custody testing of urine where the sample is sent off for full lab results, and breathalyser to check for evidential alcohol in the system.​
All of which can be part of routine screening, random screening, or pre-employment screening as required.
Vibration Health Check
Assessment carried out on employees who are using power tools, or any other equipment likely to cause vibration related effects.
Carried out by clinicians with a wealth of experience in this field of testing to get the most accurate result possible.
Colour Vision Test
The Ishihara test is a standard colour vision assessment where you look at a coloured picture and try and identify numbers or letters within the image.
Display Screen Assessment
This assessment can take a few formats and totally dependant on the level required by the employer. From a self-assessment questionnaire to a site visit and through assessment by one of our experienced practitioners who can assess each employee individually for an in-depth analysis.
Working with registered physiotherapists, we are able to provide an enhanced approach to musculoskeletal analysis, as well as remedial or referral services relating to the work carried out by the employee, or their working environment
Our in-house phlebotomy team can draw blood from individuals at a time and place that is convenient. We can establish a sterile environment within the workplace for this, or have employees attend one of our venues for the procedure to be carried out.
The blood samples are then sent off for lab analysis to be run. Bloods can be used for a whole range of tests from immunisation levels to lead absorption testing, as well as infection identification.
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Using calibrated equipment, we are able to carry out a 3 or 12 lead ECG on employees. This tends to be more as a return to work procedure, although it can be used for pre-employment screening and regular screening as required.